Wellbeing Awareness Training

What is wellbeing awareness training?

The first step in improving employee wellbeing is simply to normalise the discussion surrounding it.

Consequently, we have developed a series of engaging, accessible, and cost-effective wellbeing awareness training sessions to introduce the topic.

Why does wellbeing awareness training matter?

Employee Costs

The average costs per employee for the private sector is £1,652 with the public sector being slightly higher at £1,716.  Across both sectors, the largest contributor to costs is presenteeism, two thirds of the total cost.

Impact of the Pandemic

A total of 1 in 4 adults and more than 1 in 6 young people experienced mental distress for the first time during the pandemic.


During 2020, poor health cost UK businesses approximately £45 billion.
This includes costs from absenteeism, presenteeism and staff turnover.

Return on Investment

On average, businesses receive a return on investment of £5 for every £1 spent on mental health initiatives.


Presenteeism accounts for 2 times more losses than absences.

Centre for Mental Health, 2017

Over the past decade, it has become increasingly apparent that mental health is a major public health issue, with an impact on both business and personal lives rivalling that of physical injury and sickness.

This has been further exacerbated by the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown.

It is therefore vital to remove barriers presented by the stigma and stereotypes commonly surrounding the topic, to enable early identification and intervention.

In conjunction with, or as an alternative to, our accredited Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, these less-formal awareness courses can provide a cost-effective means of rolling out a company wellbeing programme across a large number of staff.

In addition to directly benefiting employees, the provision of such support offers an excellent return-on-investment (ROI) in terms of mitigating against a number of significant business risks:

How we can help you with wellbeing awareness training?

These courses do not provide therapy or counselling in themselves, and do not teach people to be therapists or counsellors.

Instead, they are intended simply to raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing, promote healthy and supportive discussion regarding the topic, and introduce practical tools and techniques to help self-management.

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  • Managing Wellbeing for Leaders

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